Children and Teens

For Parents:

Parenting is tough and it can be hard to know how to  support your child at times, unfortunately, that is part of the journey. The good news is that you are reaching out for information and seeking ways to stay connected with your child.

For young people:

I want to share a few thoughts with you about coming to my office. First, I do NOT expect you to want to come. I can understand the idea of talking to a stranger is not your idea of a good time. My hope is that we will find a way to figure out what is going on inside, so that you do not have to feel as worried, stressed, sad, scared, lonely, lost, frustrated, or whatever it is that is not feeling right for you. We can do that many ways and maybe even have a little fun.

I want you to know that I promise to work hard to listen and understand what you are struggling with. I want to invite you to tell me if you think I don’t understand. I want to know if you feel misunderstood, because to me that is a very lonely place to be.


100 North Brand Blvd
Glendale, CA 91203
(310) 488-2863

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